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Management Ops

Create campaign feature

Oct - Dec 2022 | Company Lazzy Inc

B2B | SaaS | Desktop only


Project overview

Lazzy Management Ops is a cloud-based centralized management platform that enables companies to efficiently manage their on-demand delivery process at scale.
This platform empowers companies of all sizes to easily establish their web store from scratch, create and manage inventory catalogs, oversee delivery zones, monitor every order, track deliveries in real-time, establish team permissions, view shop statistics, launch campaigns, engagements, and much more.

My role

UX and UI design, utilizing the existing design system, as well as product management

Feature request

The Management Ops platform has a launched campaigns feature, which allows admins to create and manage campaigns.
However, the current version of the feature has a limited range of campaign settings, which has caused some restrictions for admins while managing campaigns.

In response to this issue, we have received a request from one of our clients, urging us to provide more flexibility to the admin in creating and managing campaigns. The client's request has been carefully evaluated, and owners have decided to undertake the development of the requested enhancements to meet the evolving needs of our clients, enabling them to manage their campaigns in the most efficient and effective way possible.

Working process

The following steps were undertaken by me as a part of the development process for the Create New Campaign feature



Original implementation

The platform offers only one type of campaign, which allows admins to create campaigns that offer customers discounts in percentage or a fixed amount on their entire cart.

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Client request

However, the client has requested the addition of several campaign settings, including the ability to:

  • Apply discounts only to certain products or categories

  • Offer additional settings for discount amounts such as 'product for free' or 'fixed discount' that do not depend on the number of items in the cart

  • Create campaigns with additional conditions, such as requiring customers to purchase specific items to receive a free product. (For example, customer has to buy 1 chocolate ice cream and 2 bottles of water to get 1 gum for free)

  • Use multiple products or categories in a single campaign

  • Exclude certain products from the chosen category for campaign

Brainstorm & Concepts

Once I gathered all the necessary information from the client, I began brainstorming the user experience (UX) of the new feature. My goal was to create a clear and easy-to-use flow that would cover all possible scenarios.
After considering all potential user cases, I decided to divide the campaigns into three types, each with its unique settings:

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Main dialog wireframes only:

Normal type

Discounted product type

Buy 1 Get 1 type

Team review

When working on a new product feature, it's crucial to involve multiple stakeholders in the process to ensure that the final product meets the needs of our users and aligns with our company's vision. In this case, I collaborated with both the art director and CTO to discuss the user flow and product concept.

During our discussions, we shared our ideas and perspectives, asking questions and challenging each other to think critically about the feature. 
I gathered feedback and critiques and as a result of our collaborative efforts, I updated some of the input data for the feature to ensure that it would meet the needs of our users and align with our company's vision. 


To ensure that the product feature will be developed correctly and efficiently, I prepared detailed wireframes and a comprehensive user flow diagram, which illustrated the product's functionality, including all possible steps and cases.

Normal type

Normal type.jpg

Discounted product type

Discounted product.png

Buy 1 Get 1 type

Buy1 Get1 type.jpg
Buy1 Get1 type 1.jpg
Group 38.png

Using these wireframes and flow diagrams as a guide, I wrote detailed product documentation in Jira. This documentation provided a clear and concise description of the product's features and functionality, as well as the specific requirements needed to bring it to life.

By creating such detailed documentation, I was able to provide our R&D team with the information they needed to accurately understand and implement the feature.

Product documentation

Design review of implemented feature

Once the feature was developed, I took the time to thoroughly review it and provide feedback on both the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI). This process involved testing the feature from the perspective of a user, identifying any areas that could be improved to enhance the overall experience.

Based on my review, I provided detailed comments and updates to the development team, outlining specific areas that needed improvement. 

Getting user feedback

Adjunction to the feature

After successful testing and receiving feedback from real users and clients, the feature was released to production. However, the client made additional requests to enhance the feature. 


Firstly, they requested a new setting to promote the campaign on the web store. 

As a solution, we added to the implementation three different types of promotion: 


  • a promotion bar, which is a small banner located at the top of the main page 

  • a promotion dialog, which appears as a popup when a customer lands on the web store

  • an active campaign category, which is an additional campaign carousel that is displayed at the top of all product catalogs, providing a centralized location to view all campaigns



The client requested the addition of hub restrictions, allowing the admin to choose the hub(s) where the promo campaign will be active. 

To address this, we added a dropdown menu containing all possible hubs within the organization, giving the admin the ability to select one or multiple hubs for the campaign.

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Consumer view in web store

Additionally, I have created a complete design and documentation for the feature from the consumer's perspective (B2C) on both responsive web and Flutter platforms. This has been accomplished to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the feature.

To illustrate the full picture, I have included several mockups as examples:

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