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3rd party delivery

Delivery service setup for web store

June 2022 | Company Lazzy Inc

B2B | SaaS | Desktop only

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Lazzy Management Ops is a cloud-based centralized management platform that enables companies to efficiently manage their on-demand delivery process at scale.
This platform empowers companies of all sizes to easily establish their web store from scratch, create and manage inventory catalogs, oversee delivery zones, monitor every order, track deliveries in real-time, establish team permissions, view shop statistics, launch campaigns, engagements, and much more.

My role

UX and UI design, utilizing the existing design system

White Earth


An existing feature doesn't let the user to set delivery option with third-party providers. This results in limited delivery zones and time windows, which can be frustrating for users with specific requirements. By allowing for more flexibility, the platform can provide a better user experience and help businesses maintain their reputation for timely deliveries.

  • ​Why user can't set delivery preferences with third-party providers?

  • How does the limited delivery zones and time windows affect users with specific requirements?

  • What impact does the lack of flexibility have on businesses that rely on timely deliveries?

  • How can the platform improve the overall user experience by offering more flexible delivery options?

  • What benefits can businesses expect from the platform providing more personalized and convenient delivery options?


The platform can improve the overall user experience by providing users with the ability to set their own delivery preferences with third-party providers. Adding the ability for managers of the web store to set the delivery with 3rd party providers would provide more flexibility to clients and ultimately help the business.

User persona


John Smith 35, Manager

John has a bachelor's degree in economics and has been working in the e-commerce industry for the past 10 years. He has experience working with different e-commerce platforms and managing multiple online stores. He is currently working for an American company that sells electronics and gadgets.

Goals and motivations

Primary goal is to increase sales and revenue while maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction. Ensure that the web store is running smoothly and efficiently. He is also interested in exploring new technologies and trends that can help improve the customer experience and increase sales. 

Pain points

Ensure that the webstore is running smoothly and efficiently. He is motivated by the challenge of maintaining a successful online business in a highly competitive market.

UX Challenges

  • Integration of the app into the user’s daily life routines

  • Create an intuitive and efficient user experience that prioritizes functionality and simplicity.

  • Provide clear instructions and minimum the number of steps required to set up a 3rd party delivery

User flow

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As one of the final steps, I created a prototype that you can interact with by following the provided link

© 2024 by Yulia Krepacheva

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