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Greetings! My name is Yulia Krepacheva and I am a product designer at Sweetch, currently based in Even Yehuda, Israel. I am excited to share a bit about my journey so far.

Originally from Russia, I hold a Master's degree in Industrial Engineering with honours. Before diving into the world of product design, I worked as a successful product manager in the fashion and amusement park industries.

Five years ago, I relocated to Israel to be with my then-boyfriend, now husband, and took a career pivot into the world of high-tech product design. I have since worked with projects company and startup for five years.

When I am not busy designing awesome products, I am a casual gamer, with Rayman, Mario 3D World, and Portal being some of my favourites.

Additionally, I have a passion for music and am skilled in playing both the piano and violin.

I am confident working in English, and I am also proficient in Hebrew at an intermediate level. I believe my passion for design and commitment to delivering exceptional results make me an asset to any team. With my diverse background and experience, I bring a unique perspective and a killer set of skills to every project I work on. Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit about me. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you!


© 2024 by Yulia Krepacheva

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